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Frequently Asked Questions.

Q1: What do you mean by "free" retirement plan?
We do not charge for developing a retirement plan. We earn money when our clients retire i.e. when our clients retirement savings are converted into either a living or life or hybrid annuity.
Q2: Where is my money invested? Who has access to my money?
Your money is invested with South Africa's leading annuity providers at low fees e.g. with 10X, JustRetirement, Sanlam, Allan Gray, Momentum or Old Mutual. We are a retirement advice service, not an investment provider. Retirebest does not hold or have access to any of your money.
Q3: How does Retirebest make money?
We make money through advice fees, but at lower rates than the rest of the industry.
Q4: Do I have access to my account balances, statements etc.?
Yes. We will help you to register an online account with the annuity provider that your funds are invested with. This gives you full access and control over your accounts and information.
Q5: What happens if Retirebest ceases to exist or if I wish to leave Retirebest?
We're not as old or big as the other well known financial service providers but we're well capitalised, have great partnerships and have big ambitions. In the unlikely event of Retirebest easing business operations, it will be a similar process to leaving a financial advisor.

Your investment provider will be able to connect you with a new advisor, or we will contact the investment provider on your behalf to find a new advisor.
Q6: Do I get access to a single advisor? Do I meet with the same advisor every time?
We connect you with a Retirebest advisor, and as long as the advisor stays in the industry and affiliated with Retirebest, he or she will be your dedicated financial advisor.

Retirebest empowers affiliated financial advisors with a unique and best-in-breed financial advice process, tools, software and compliance processes. In the unfortunate event of a financial advisor leaving Retirebest, there will be seamless continuity, as there is a team of retirement experts looking our for your best interests at Retirebest, not only one advisor. 
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